
感谢您访问佛罗里达法院网站. Please note that 的 Office of the 州法院行政官 is prohibited from providing legal advice, 就如何进行提供建议, 或者建议个人应该使用哪种表格. Nor does the Office of the 州法院行政官 have access to case records. 如果你需要法律援助, 或者对某个特定案例有疑问, 请参阅下面的常见问题解答, 或浏览我们的 自助信息 page where you will find additional information on many court-related issues.

的 following information must be obtained from your local trial court:

  • 离婚令或法令
  • 刑事法庭记录
  • 所有其他个案记录

Please contact the clerk's office at the court where your case or record was handled.


Note: 的 Office of the 州法院行政官 does not maintain these records.


的 Office of the 州法院行政官 is aware Floridians have been targeted by telephone scams. 罪犯, using technology to mimic the telephone number of the State Courts System, 假装是遇险的亲戚.

这些电话不是来自州法院系统. 诈骗者迫切要求立即汇款. 不要这样做. 的 Federal Trade Commission has information on this scam and strategies for combatting it.



的 Office of the 州法院行政官 has learned of an email scam in which emails purporting to come from state courts are attempting to infect recipients with computer viruses.

的se emails are instructing recipients to report for a hearing on a specified date and time. 的 emails also instruct recipients to review an attached document for detailed case information. 当电子邮件中的附件或链接被打开时, a malicious program is launched that infects the recipient's computer.

Unless you are actively involved in a case in a Florida court, and have consented to receive court notifications electronically, you generally will not be served court documents electronically.



美国.S. Marshals Service is warning the public of a nationwide telephone scam involving individuals claiming to be U.S. 警察, court officers or law enforcement officials seeking to collect a fine in lieu of arrest for failing to report for jury duty. 美国.S. Marshals Service does not call anyone to arrange payment of fines over the phone for failure to appear for jury duty or any other infraction.


的 Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) is warning consumers they may be targeted by a company representing itself as the DHSMV and demanding payment for fraudulent citations. 该公司, 与DHSMV没有任何关系, will send emails to consumers requesting payment of a citation within a certain timeframe and if the payment is not received on time, the company will falsely require a daily late fee payment.

的 诈骗邮件PDF下载 sent to consumers includes a linked payment page and email address. While the linked payment page appears to be inactive at this time, the DHSMV is warning consumers that this is a scam and no payment should be made. 如果消费者已经付款, they should refute the charge and take the appropriate security measures with their financial institution.


问:我在哪里可以找到判断, 申请, 投诉, 离婚法令(命令), 或者其他案件文件、资料?

A: You must contact the clerk's office at the court where your case was handled. You may find trial court clerks' phone numbers, street addresses, and website addresses through www.flclerks.com.


A: Statewide criminal history information is available through the 佛罗里达执法部门.

Information and documents from criminal cases can be obtained county clerks of court. Contact information for the circuit and county clerks of court – including links to their websites - is available through www.flclerks.com.


A: 请访问我们的在线自助中心 申请离婚. You will find information and instructions on filing for divorce to end your marriage. You will also be able to access the forms you will need and resources where you can get help.

Q: 我在哪里可以找到有关交通事故的资料?

A: If you need information about a traffic ticket or citation, please contact the clerk's office in the county where your ticket was issued. If you do not know the county where your ticket was issued, please contact the  公路安全和机动车辆管理局.

Q: What should I do if I cannot report for jury duty or have lost my jury summons?

A: Contact the clerk of court in the Florida county where you reside. Contact information for the clerks of court is available through www.flclerks.com.

Q: 我如何向法官提起诉讼?

A: 如果你不同意法官对你案件的裁决, the only way to address those concerns is by filing motions or appeals, 这可能是合适的.

All matters alleging unethical conduct by a Florida state court judge should be directed to the Judicial Qualifications Commission. 有关本署的资料,请浏览 www.floridajqc.com


You can contact the Office of the 州法院行政官 at:

(850) 922-5081

For technical issues related to this website please contact the Web Administrator by email at oscamedia@sprintautoshipping.com. 


Should you need further assistance, consider seeking professional legal help. 可利用的资源如下:  

  • 如果你需要律师的帮助, you may want to call 的 Florida Bar 律师推荐 Service at 1-800-342-8011.
  • 如果你请不起律师的话, Florida Legal 服务 or your local legal aid office has information about pro bono (without charge) counsel. 的 main telephone number for Florida Legal 服务 is 407-801-4350.
  • Do further research on your own by visiting your local law or public library.